
Patient Gallery

Give Us a Call!

(305) 296-8541

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1215 Simonton Street
Key West, FL 33040

Office Hours

Mon - Sat   9AM - 5PM
Sun               Closed

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Happy Patients

"While working remotely in Key West, I came here for dental work that I had neglected during Covid. Their office was so welcoming and they were very responsive and managed all my insurance prior to my arrival. This has been the best dental service I have ever received. I followed up with a dentist in Dallas for the remaining care and realized how qualified Old Town Dental staff were compared to the quality received at home. I currently have torn gums and bruised lip. Even my my cheeks have bruises on them."


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Christina Thomas

"Took a while to find a good dentist down here having moved from Texas . Great people, needed to see both doctors and hygienist. Joelle is probably the best hygienist I've ever met . Dentists were very honest and straightforward, avoided surgery when alternatives existed."

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Barry Nolan