
Same-Day Crowns

Thanks to state-of-the-art CEREC technology, We can provide you with a new smile in just a single appointment with same-day crowns. They’re a natural-looking, durable solution for damaged or decayed teeth, restoring your smile back to perfection.

How The CEREC® Technology Works

Our CEREC® system can be used to create crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays while you wait. At Old Town Dental, we take digital images of the tooth and mouth and immediately upload them into the software. Using CAD/CAM technology, we create a computerized image of the tooth along with the exact dimensions and blueprint for what the new restoration needs to look like. The software processes the information quickly before making comprehensive recommendations for the restoration. The software accounts for every detail.
Same Day Veneers
Veneers are custom-crafted shells of composite resin or porcelain. Your provider bonds them to the front of your permanent teeth, improving their size, shape, color, and appearance. It’s possible to get one or two veneers, but most people get six or eight. This ensures you have a balanced, symmetric smile.
Same Day Inlays and Onlays
If you develop a minor cavity, your provider might recommend an onlay. An onlay is a single piece of composite resin or porcelain that covers the points of a molar or premolar. Once placed, an onlay prevents further decay and keeps harmful bacteria from entering your tooth.

What to Expect with Same-Day Crowns

Compared to traditional crowns, our CEREC same-day crowns can be placed in just one appointment and offer numerous benefits. These include:


No messy dental impressions


Enhanced comfort and convenience


Unmatched precision and accuracy


Less time spent in the dentist’s chair


Minimally invasive procedure

cerec set at Old Town Dental your dentist in Key West FL

Advanced CEREC® Technology

The CEREC system allows us to generate high-quality 3D images of your entire mouth for greater precision than ever before. It doesn’t require messy, uncomfortable impressions, and best of all, you can enjoy all the benefits of a beautiful smile in as little as an hour.
As a CEREC® Specialists, we complete the process differently. If you are seeking to improve the appearance of your teeth by straightening them, covering a dark stain, closing gaps or changing their size, we can do all of this in one day. The same is true if you have a damaged tooth in need of repair. We offer a one-day treatment without the need to wear a temporary restoration, made possible by the CEREC® technology.


Who is an ideal candidate for same-day crown?

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your smile, a same-day crown may be the right solution for you. Ideal candidates for same-day crowns are looking to:


  • Strengthen a tooth after a root canal
  • Eliminate stains or discoloration
  • Cover a chipped or cracked tooth
  • Replace a missing tooth
Can I whiten a dental crown?
Unfortunately, regular teeth whitening treatments won’t work on dental crowns. Our same-day crowns are crafted to mimic the color of your natural teeth to seamlessly blend in with your smile. They’re resistant to staining and discoloration, so you won’t have to worry about whitening your dental crown.
What are my options if my crown has been damaged?
If your crown has become damaged, we ask that you don’t try to fix it yourself and contact us immediately to schedule an appointment. We will assess the damage to determine whether your crown can be fixed or replaced with a new restoration. Fortunately, our offices in Key West, FL offer same-day dental crowns so you won’t have to worry about hiding your smile another day.
How much do same-day crowns cost?
The cost of a same-day crown varies for each patient and a number of factors, like how many you need, what it’s being used for, and the portion your insurance will cover. During your initial consultation, we will evaluate your oral health, discuss your smile goals, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. This will also include a detailed breakdown of the value of your procedure.

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